Morning all, it is Tuesday and although supposedly having a sleep in I still feel like utter bollocks today.
I have not been sleeping properly for about three weeks now and it is finally running me down, it would be simpler if I knew that a holiday or even fewer hours at the office would cure this but alas nothing.
Well hopefully this changes in the next week or so, as there is only so long one can survive without having a regular sleep pattern.
Anyway that aside, there is so much I need to be doing at the moment, this month I will be working late evenings at the office as well as of course a few earlier starts, that along with preparing for next months lessons is madness, not too mention my wonderful parents coming down to visit me at Easter time, for which I will need to look at least moderately well slept and healthy for.

There is comfort in knowing that my flat mate is sharing the same lack of sleep and discomfort as I, though possibly not the most ideal living situation, we seem to have found an unusual harmony with all the crazy shit going on.
Will keep you posted on any changes there.
Andrew James / A J
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