Introducing The Whore's Apprentice

Introducing The Whore's Apprentice
Wellington Is Beautiful, Wellington Is My Home

Sunday, 4 March 2007

Saturday Night

Well me and my friend went to our mates farewell party on Saturday, after a few hours work during the day it goes with out saying there was a need to have a beer.

It was amazing her parents place overlooks the beautiful Wellington city and the company there was brilliant.

We spent the afternoon drinking beer on the balcony laughing and enjoying the plentiful conversation that was on offer.

Later in the evening our friends father presented myself and my mate with the most amazing Gin and Tonic, this of course was graciously enjoyed along with the conversation of how the house came to develop into such a beauty.

We did however have to leave around 12:30 as both of us where swimming in the alcohol that we had been consuming in the hours we spent there.

Was good to get home after such an amazing evening, having been able to catch up with all of those in the evening that I so looked forward to hearing from and talking to everyone including those of which that where not present but that were able to be there in spirit by way of mobile phone.
Andrew James / A J


Laurie said...

Sounds like a nice time. Beautiful pics!

Andrew James / A J said...

Yeah am hoping to head back up to get some more photos, good excuse to have some more time off work.