Moving on from that though, plenty has happened since my last post, I thought it would be a good time to let it all out.
I have been busy with things including with the usual shitty stuff that can happen to one while going about their life, but all things considered not a thing that I could possibly say that I regret, this is because there has been alot of happiness from all of this, despite any of the other feelings that may come with certain events more recently.
Was that a little to ambiguous?
More recently I have a made a few changes to what I am doing and my career is going to be taking a back seat for while as I prepare for a journey to go overseas, this is something that for a long time I have promised myself and I am nearing being able to do something about it.

As part of going to Belgium as my first destination I have decided that it would be in my best interest to learn how to speak French, also that I
would like to learn Spanish, there are two reasons for wanting to learn one being that I have a friend in Spain that I have not seen in years and
I hope to be able to see him and his new wife and son, while also being able to speak the language, the second is that it is also the language which a person who I consider quite special speaks, so it would be fantastic to learn and will also be alot easier for me to begin with before starting to learn the French dialogue.
As it has been decided to leave Wellington next year for my trip I will be keeping pictures of the wonderful city that I live in along with others of the places I will be visiting before I go.
Andrew James / A J
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